Farm Camp

Work, Learn and Play on the Farm!

Our goal is to help our little (and big) farmers learn how much that we use comes from farms. To learn how they connect to what the earth and animals have to offer: food, clothing, protection, and companionship to name a few. 

Planned 2024 Farm Camp Dates:

June 10-14, 2024

June 17-20, 2024

June 24-27, 2024

Little Farmer Camp     Ages 5-11     $125/per person  (Venmo to @Jennifer-Corrington)

  (Chose which week will be best for your family)

Monday, June 10 – Thursday June 14     9:00-12:00 each day

Monday, June 17 – Thursday June 20     9:00-12:00 each day

Monday, June 24 – Thursday June 27    9:00-12:00 each day

Little Farmer Camp Activities

  • Interactive with all types of animals (chickens, ducks, rabbits, goats, pigs, cows, cats and dogs). Learn about their role on the farm and how they help us!
  • Do farm chores daily – Learn what type of feeding and clean up it takes to keep a farm running, healthy and clean.
  • Learn about the garden – what we are growing and how fresh produce can make us healthy and strong! Also, the importance of keeping the garden as weed free as possible. They will come home with a new seedling to grow into either a flowering plant or a plant that produces food.
  • Craft time – participate in some type of craft each day that uses something from the earth so we can learn more about the potential and creation of all the simple things around us.
  • Journal time – taking a few minutes each day to write or draw something about what you have learned about the animals or plants or land the surround us. 
  • Last Day – water fun and team building games. 
  • Family time – families can come for the last hour on our last day to share in our homemade ice cream sundaes and tour the farm with their kids to see all they have learned. 
  • Camp T-Shirt